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Dr. Mumit Khan
Organization: BRAC University
URL of Organization: www.bracuniversity.ac.bd

Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

Area(s) of Interest: Natural Language Processing, Formal Language Theory.
Language(s) of Interest: Bangla and English.
Email: mumit@bracuniversity.ac.bd
Telephone: +880 29881265 Ext. 433
Postal Address: 66 Mohakhali C/A, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh.



Laxmi Prasad Khatiwada
Designation: Linguist

Organization: MPP
URL of Organization: www.mpp.org.np
Area(s) of Interest: Natural Language Possessing.
Language(s) of Interest: English, Hindi, Nepali.
email: laxmi@mpp.org.np
Telephone: 97714219043
Postal Address: MPP Patandhoka, Lalitpur.



Wunna Ko Ko
Designation: Master Student

Organization: Nagaoka University of Technology.


Master Student in NUT, specialization in Management Information Engineering Department.

Area(s) of Interest: How to Develop under-resourced Languages?
Language(s) of Interest: Burmese and Languages in Burma (Myanmar).
Email: wunnakoko@yahoo.com

Amba P. Kulkarni
Designation: Faculty

Organization:   M.Tech, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur.
URL of Organization: http://www.iitkgp.ac.in


Graduated in Mathematics from Shivaji university, Kolhapur in 1980 and subsequently got  M.Sc. in Mathematics in 1982 from the same university.

Area(s) of Interest: Natural Language Processing Applying Indian Shastras to NLP Machine Translation, Reducing language barriers taking insights from Indian traditional Shastras such as Vyakarana, Nyaya and Mimamsa.
email: Amba@iiit.net
Telephone: 91-40-23001969 Ext: 144
Postal Address: International Institute of Information Technology
Gachibowli  Hyderbad 500019 India.

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